Welcome to the Faerie Festival of Imbolc!
Feb 1st.
A time of awakening, yet not quite yet awake, my sleepy faerie friends. A stirring from the deepest slumbers of winter. Emerging from the time of the north and the element of earth. Swap the rich balm of Oakmoss, Patchouli, and dank thawing earth, with hints of blossoms and fruit saturated in thickly winter-aged, spring-honeyed nectar. Brash, then vanishing. Urging us forth. Wintry snow/rain cleansing for the early snow buds and the time of the east. The element of air wherein sylphs grace the ethers with softly muted florescence.
Awaken! Awaken! Awaken!
As a child I would anticipate the spring by imagining the fair folk prepping their paints deep under the roots of sleeping oak trees. Cruelly crushing berries, mosses, and barks. Coaxing iridescence from clouds and shadows. All for the Spring Faerie Queen’s vast cache of aromas and pigments created with express purpose to gloss on delicate blossoms with wee paintbrushes of spider threads. I would anticipate with glee the those first colors and scents of thaw, green, and tender blossoms.
In fact, I still do this.
Do you have a favorite spring ritual or scent?
verdant faerie’s botanical perfume, Duskblossom, my choice for Imbolc