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Full Faerie Feelin’ – Fae on Friday


To fill with pleasureSo it overflows the soulIs gratitude shared.
~ Me

In this neck of the verdant wood, Chicago – the midwest region of the USA, we are celebrating Thanksgiving and tucking ourselves inside for a longish cold snap.  

But like many all over the world, we are steeped in grief and confusion over recent events and the condition of the world suffering under the blows of psychopathology.  Wondering what is to be done.

What is to be done?  Work magic.  Be a mystic.  Meditate this.  

Let yourself fill with all the beauty and love and golden light you can.  This.  Fill until it lights your heart, spills out of you into your aura, till it touches everyone one you know, and those you don’t, expanding out to fill rooms and buildings and cities and wilds and countries…  That…

And the fullness and expansion, this, is to express gratitude.   And gratitude is not a tame feeling of some external “should” foisted on you by a chiding authority.  It is raw, soul-awakening, hugely powerful, expansive beauty.  And though it may sound trite, it’s  what the world needs.

So indulge, don’t let yourself be robbed by fear and guilt…  

For me beautiful sights and colors and loved ones and art and perfume and yoga, and circus and music and and and…  They feed my soul.  What fills yours, dear Reader?  I urge you to find and indulge.  Feed yourself this soul light and thus the world.



Thank You, I am grateful to you, dearest Reader, for reading this blog!

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